Sunday, July 5, 2009

Did Non-traditional Medicine Cure Cancer for Sarah?

Christian Livermore - Times Hearald Record

When Barbara Sarah was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1992, she followed the treatment that traditional medicine called for. She underwent a lumpectomy to remove the tumor, then further surgery to remove 17 lymph nodes. When her surgeon told her the next step was chemotherapy and radiation, she reflected on all the pain she had endured, and the nausea, fatigue and other side effects she could look forward to with the chemo, and said, "That's enough."
With the support of a doctor at New York Medical College who was studying the immune systems of women with cancer, Sarah started researching ways to make herself well. She got acupuncture treatments, took Chinese herbs and injections of mistletoe, changed to a low-salt diet, started to exercise regularly and reduce stress — anything she thought would make her healthier.
Seventeen years later, the cancer has not returned. She can't say for sure if it was the holistic and lifestyle changes that made the difference, but she knows she feels better.Two years after her diagnosis, Sarah heard that Benedictine Hospital in Kingston was looking to hire an oncology social worker. She applied and got the job. She created an oncology support program drawn from Japanese therapy, a natural way of wellness based on Buddhist thinking.
Her ideas put her in the vanguard of an effort to give the Hudson Valley a more holistic approach to treatment, something beyond the "slash and burn" protocol of surgery and radiation that forms the basis of Western medicine.
"There's this idea that we all carry a toxic load and that we can maintain a certain level of toxins in our body, and that something switches off our ability to resist disease," Sarah said, "and it's different for everybody."
Dr. Douglas Heller, an attending physician at Benedictine and Kingston hospitals, was intrigued by the questions of patients who said they were trying less traditional treatments such as acupuncture. He began exploring other ways of treating patients, or at least of treating some of the symptoms of illnesses and the side effects of such treatments as chemotherapy. He now works with his patients to find legitimate alternative treatments.
"Western medicine is fantastic at treating illnesses, but we don't always do such a good job at prevention. Eastern medicine and Chinese medicine take a different view," he said....

So when our life is in question can we afford to accept us what dogma tells us? Could this alternative approach be a cure?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Affirmations and Mantras

Positive affirmations and Mantras are powerful tools for healing, good health and wealth.

Mantras, are powerful sequences of words of the highest vibrational quality. The word Mantra comes from two Sanskrit words ‘mana’ which means mind and ‘trai’ which means ‘protect’ . Sanskrit is the ancient sacred language of India, believed to be the oldest language of the world dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. These words handed down through the generations is the foundation of all puja’s, prayers and those seeking simple release from the vagaries of the mind or the deeper desire for enlightenment.When used over a period of time the energy vibrations of the mantras has a dissolving quality which begins to overtake by diffusing the heavier vibration and thereby raises the practitioner’s vibration at which point the practitioner experiences a distinct change in their state. The experiential quality is one of calmness, peace, energizing and when practiced in accordance and under correct guidance; enlightenment.

Affirmation, means to ‘affirm’ or ‘assert’ as true. It is a confirmation of anything already established. This makes it quite interesting in that it can be any set of words. Positive words which are strengthening in structure will, when affirmed over a period of time begin to have a positive effect on the practitioner and Negative Words over time will begin to have a negative effect with consequent negative behavior leading to negative outcomes.No word is meaningless or meaning free. Every word carries a weight and by it very nature comes with a consequent , emotion and vibration. Words that incite emotions of anger, jealousy, hatred and so forth tend to manifest in low vibration and consequent ill health. Words that generate feelings of love and harmony have the potential to heal. It behooves us to use words with care.

Peace, Harmony and Prosperity is OURS