Thursday, May 28, 2009

Heart-lifting - Goose Bumps Performance

Go Check It out.

Much love

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Vibrational Healing

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Healing Power of Water

Bethoven ----------------------------------Heavy Metal

As a young girl, I remember that at every puja [prayer meeting] a small prayer would be recited over a glass of water and sprinkled over the surrounding area as far as it would go and every time we were ill, we were given water to drink that had been prayed over. I would get irritated and thought it was a whole lot of nonsense. If only I had known than what I know now, I would have made my mum very happy :-).

Dr Masaru Emoto, a japanese resercher and scientist discovered that water is a living substance and as such its molecular structure changes according to the environment. Dr Emoto has documented these molecular changes by way of high speed photography of its crystalline formations. Polluted , stagnant and toxic water when photographed show a definite 'distorted and randomly unstructed crystals shapes. Experiments were than undertaken by praying over some samples, putting I love you on other samples etc. and photographs taken after showed a distinct change occured whereby the crystals became more coherent, balanced and well formed. Mr Emoto was featured in the movie What the bleep Do We Know, he is highely sought out by organisations and governments of various countries and the likes of UNESCO, United Nations etc to conducts seminars.

Lake Fujiwara - Before----------------------- Lake Fujiwara - After prayer
These pictures are from Dr Masaru Emoto's books
In Ho'oponopono, to clean out past negative memories they use solarised water which is left in the sun for a couple of hours in a blue glass vessel. In the Indian Culture, to cleanse past karmic debts and past memories we meditate by focussing and visualising a blue light on our throat chakra. Very interesting don't you think.
Our body is made up of over 70% water. How can we use this ancient and scientific information to help ourselves. Link it all up and it comes back to 'Love yourself and be kind to yourself.
Make up written cards with 'I Love You' and 'Thank You' put these in front of bottles of solarised water and use for everything.
In the meantime, I am adding a section to my 'Recommended Books' section on the website 'Heart into Future' which will be dedicated to everything I find on practical healing methods.
Peace, Harmony and Success is Ours

More About Ho'oponopono

For those who want to know more about Ho'oponopono, please click here, you will find the book 'zero limits'. Please forgive me, I am sorry, I love you, thank you.

Peace, Harmony and Succes is Ours

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Busy For a Few Days

You can look forward to some great posts next week. Am flat stick working on working on my site Heart Into Future and running the workshops...bear with me I WILL BE Back HERE full time next week. Just joined Twitter....very interesting. Intend to work out how much time all this twittering etc. takes. Single mum has to be aware of TIME and choices.
Peace, Harmony and Success is YOURS